Something is rotten in Mermaid
Kudos to the Gold Coast Bulletin for keeping the pressure on Mermaid Ray over his perceived conflict of interest in this sordid affair.
“The integrity commissioner has reviewed his proposed investment and has given him a clearance and I am satisfied with that.”
When asked again why he wouldn’t release the report, Mr Newman repeated: “The integrity commissioner has given him a clearance, and I say that to you today, and that is why we have an integrity commissioner”.
Mr Stevens again refused to answer any questions on the cable car, saying only that he was “busy electioneering”.
Mr Stevens was expecting to run unopposed for Mermaid Beach, but the ALP confirmed this week that it had signed up Gary Pead to run against Mr Stevens.
Mr Pead, who described himself as climate reality project leader at Climate Reality Project, campaigned as an independent in the state seat of Mudgeeraba in 2006.
LNP politicians Newman, Stuckey and Stevens all refuse to give electors the essential information about the role of Ray Stevens in the proposed cableway development. Isn’t it hypocritical for the Premier to campaign on law and order but refuse to provide information about his own MP’s involvement in a development proposal that will be assessed by his own government? The only person that can release the Integrity Commisioner’s report on Ray Steven’s conflict of interest between his role as MP and his role as developer is Ray Stevens himself. However, Mr Stevens has failed his accountability test and consistently refuses to provide his electors with proof that there is no conflict of interest. Electors should ask Mr Stevens what does he have to hide? It is not good enough to be an elected representative unwilling to reveal the truth.
Pingback: Ray Stevens has YouTube meltdown over cableway proposal questions | Cableway No Way!
Pingback: Ray Stevens facing threat of investigation into proposed cable car project after public ‘meltdown’ | Cableway No Way!